Tenants Finding the Right Home to Rent

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Before arranging to view properties there are a few basic steps you can take to ensure you are not wasting your time.


Does the property meet you location requirements, is it within commuting distance? Are you close to your preferred School? Are you close enough to your family circles?

Is the property in a neighbourhood you are comfortable with?


Have you checked with the letting agent on any restriction on the property, Sometimes landlord are unable to accept students, pets or unemployed people due to restrictive clauses within mortgage or insurance policies.

The last thing you want is to have to move out because you dont fit the allowable criteria.


Can you afford the property, is it within your budget, please remember all rents are normally quoted excluding, council tax, gas, electricity and all other living costs. Rember to check the council tax band and how much this will be so you can factor it into your calculations

Property condition

Whilst viewing the property you need to imaging your own furnishings in the property as sometimes it can be hard looking at a bare shell. If the property is furnished then would you be comfortable here? Whilst viewing the property Check the general condition of the contents ie floorcoverings, walls, ceiling, furnishings and everything else. Do the windows and looks look adequate, does there appear to have been any previously unattended problems, ie visible leaks e.t.c.

The viewing is the time to check for these items and to ask the agent any questions you may have. Always try to arrange viewings during daylight hours as you can see things much more clearly. It may also be an idea to explore the local area if you are totally unfamiliar with it.


Not only is the property large enough are the rooms the required sizes, will your furniture fit into the rooms? Do you require a garden or garage space?


Sometimes when viewing a property there are items there which may be the current tenants or the landlord before they move out and take them with them.

Make sure you establish what furnishings will be there for you as this could be a major cost if you need to purchase large items.
